Saving Poros – People vs industrial fish farming in Greece

Saving Poros – People vs industrial fish farming in Greece 1800 1124 GSFR

This is a short documentary that outlines the severe threat posed by the plan to drastically expand the industrial fish farms on Poros island through revelatory facts and interviews.

MOVIE BY Francesco De Augustinis

Saving Poros – People vs industrial fish farming in Greece

Summary: Greece has launched a national plan for the expansion of intensive fish farming of sea bream and sea bass. With this plan, production will multiply, and so will organic waste and its impacts. This is a short documentary that outlines the severe threat posed by the plan to drastically expand the industrial fish farms on Poros island through revelatory facts and interviews. A film by independent journalist and documentarist Francesco De Augustinis.


1. In the marine waters of the Northwest, these orca whales prey exclusively on fish—and not just any fish: salmon, and preferentially Chinook, the biggest salmon in the Pacific. In this, these orcas (sometimes called Southern Residents) have plenty in common with some of the other longtime native residents of this place: the Lummi Nation.

2. In the Lummi language, the local orcas are called Qwe ‘lhol mechen.

3. When the Lummi first came to this Douglas fir and cedar cloaked land and its glacially carved bays and inlets, the Southern Residents were here to greet them.

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