Tell Trudeau to Keep his promise | #FishFarmsOut

Tell Trudeau to Keep his promise | #FishFarmsOut 1056 1338 GSFR

On June 30th, all open net-pen salmon farms expire. Join @watershedwatchbc in their latest campaign to remind the Canadian federal government to uphold their promise and remove factory fish farms from the stunning west coast of British Columbia.


Tell Trudeau to KEEP HIS PROMISE – #FishFarmsOut

Join @watershedwatchbc in their latest campaign to remind the Canadian federal government to uphold their promise and remove factory fish farms from the stunning west coast of British Columbia.

To understand way is it urgent explore @watershedwatchbc #latest article on how salmon farms are harming remaining wildlife in BC. Birds, seals, even humpback whales are being killed.


1. In the marine waters of the Northwest, these orca whales prey exclusively on fish—and not just any fish: salmon, and preferentially Chinook, the biggest salmon in the Pacific. In this, these orcas (sometimes called Southern Residents) have plenty in common with some of the other longtime native residents of this place: the Lummi Nation.

2. In the Lummi language, the local orcas are called Qwe ‘lhol mechen.

3. When the Lummi first came to this Douglas fir and cedar cloaked land and its glacially carved bays and inlets, the Southern Residents were here to greet them.

To support the campaign and take action send a letter to Trudeau throught the link below: